
Guide Overview

You & Your
The 4 Rs
Being a Wise
Your Home



Welcome to the HealthyLife® Self-Care and You Seminar – Healthier at Home® Edition.

How many of you have ever seen a cartoon or movie in which someone asks, “Is there a doctor in the house?” Wouldn’t it be ideal if we all had a doctor or a nurse in our houses so that we had someone to tell us what to do when we get sick? It could save us the money and the time it would take to go to the doctor’s office. It would also help us to get the information right away instead of having to wait until we could see our health care provider.


Have you ever called a family member or friend who is a doctor or nurse for advice when someone in your house is sick? Why do you do this?


One way to lower health care costs is knowing when you can take care of a problem yourself and when you need to consult your health care provider. How many times have you wondered whether you, your partner, kids, etc. should see the doctor? Call the doctor? Take care of a problem yourself?

This is where Healthier at Home®: The Proven Guide to Self-Care and Being a Wise Health Consumer, written by the American Institute for Preventive Medicine, can help. It addresses the most common reasons people see their doctor or health care provider. It teaches you to ask the right questions, find the right answers, and most importantly, protect your most precious resource – your health. As an old TV commercial for Geritol® stated, “When you’ve got your health, you’ve got just about everything”. ...And a big part of your health is what you do to take care of yourself.